The DWN Podcast | 7 Lessons for 27 Years of Living
Lesson in the Daze:
7 Deep/Substantial Lessons:
God's word does not return void (with receipts).
Forgiveness is possible.
Freedom to change, to choose, to just be me…
I really don't know anything and that's okay.
No one is excruciatingly judging you (& if they are… ditch them) .
Control was never mine.
Be consistent in friendships.
7 random/silly things learned:
I actually do not like coffee.
Keeping up with politics is tiring.
If I want to wear a crop top I can and I won't be going to hell for it.
Literally nobody knows what they're doing in life ---- this isn't a trial run, it's the actual thing.
Cereal is not meant for breakfast, lunch, snack & dinner all in the same day… cooking is not that hard.
If it's NOT funny, I'm not laughing.
I deserve good things.
This thing changed my life: Refiner Medley by Transformation Church
Do you love you? (Self-Care tip of the week): Face masks
Our Bible Verse of Today comes from: Matthew 9:13
"Then he added, “Now go and learn the meaning of this Scripture: ‘I want you to show mercy, not offer sacrifices.’ For I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners.”
Contact: DM me questions or comments on Instagram at @dazewithnola. You can also email me at