Overarching Operations 2023-2025
Serving with two incredible Pastors has shown me how rewarding it is to cultivate vision, culture, and structure to an organization. Helping to oversee daily operations has allowed me to ensure that our Sunday Experiences, ministry teams, and events flow smoothly, from the big-picture vision to the smallest of details. It’s honestly so much more than just managing logistics or even people—it’s about creating spaces where people can experience God’s presence with the least amount of qualms. Whether I’m coordinating schedules, tackling challenges on the fly, or improving communication across teams, I feel quite lucky that we’re creating opportunities for people to experience the life-changing love and acceptance of God (John 10:10).
Women’s Ministry 2018-2025
Being a part of an emerging Women’s Ministry has been a personal joy and a sacred responsibility for me. I love getting to create spaces where women feel seen, heard, and equipped to grow in their faith. Whether we are planning quarterly events, hosting conferences or life groups, or simply supporting one another through life’s ups and downs, I’ve seen firsthand how community can really transform a life. #NoWomanLeftBehind
Production Team Lead 2021-2023
As the Production Team Lead, I had the privilege of working with an amazing group of multicultural and multi-generational individuals who were just as passionate about excellence in ministry as I am. From creating engaging Sunday morning experiences to supporting other events, I loved seeing our team’s creativity and hard work come together to glorify God and cover one another. Leading this team taught me so much about collaboration, communication, and the beauty of using technology and art to reach people across the globe. It was honoring to know that the work we did behind the scenes helped people connect with God all throughout the week and not just on a Sunday Morning.
Youth & Worship Volunteer 2018-2020
Serving as a Youth & Worship Volunteer allowed me to pour into the next generation and engage in something that’s super close to my heart. I loved getting to teach the young folks about God’s Word, helping them refocus on what’s truly important, and encouraging them to use their voices/lives for God’s glory. Worship has always been a special part of my own faith journey, and getting to support in this area felt like an extension of my personal time with God. This season of my life was truly about tackling well whatever God placed in front of me to do and going wherever a need arose.