Lesson | 3 S's to get Through


“Submit to the Lord in all your ways and He’ll direct your path.” When it comes to submitting, I can be like a child: throwing tantrums, rationalizing to get my way and ignoring the Holy Spirit when He says “ I said ‘No’ though” and then I flip put some more and then fall in line lol! It’s so much easier to submit to God than it is to keep running from him, running from his truth and running from his grace and his love. When I submit, he fills all the missing pieces of my soul and it’s like why was I running in the first place?


Take yourself seriously. Take your whole life seriously. When it comes to our lives we take ourselves for granted. We forget that there are so many things that we could be accomplishing and there are a limited amount of hours in the day. So during this quarantine season I really feel like I have been learning to take my gifts and my talents and where God wants me to go seriously. To the point of me not sacrificing myself for the betterment of other people. It has been such a challenge to put myself fairies and to not cling on to what everybody else is doing or where or what could I do to me helping along someone else's thing. I have been in the process of starting a podcast that will serve as an outlet for me to talk on topics such as mental health spirituality aka Jesus and family dynamics and learning how to communicate effectively. During this time of starting and stopping this podcast I have been learning the things that I am capable of and I feel like God has been forcing me to look at myself and view myself as someone that can. Someone that can do what they set out to do, someone that can keep their word, someone that can build something, and someone that can heal other people! It has definitely been a challenging time of taking myself seriously, taking my career seriously, taking my prayer life seriously, and taking god seriously.


Take care of yourself first. Get into the practice of making sure you’re mentally, physically and spiritually well. When it comes to taking care of ourselves, I feel like we always forget that if we do not have a routine or rhythm of rest we will explode or we will short-circuit and explode all over other people which is not healthy. My self-care looks like right now taking Target trips, sitting in my car and listening to worship music right outside the house, and taking a walk in empty spaces around the city. My self-care before I look like spending loads of money

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