Lessons | Pace Yourself this Year

It's a new year and the pressure to accomplish a ton of things is REAL but I want you to remember that everything that you've been doing for the past month, the past season, or the past year is exactly what you will continue to do with this new year that is here. What I mean by this is: habits and routines are built over time so just because the calendar says 2021 that doesn’t mean we’re going to suddenly be brand new. It just means that you have more time to develop the habits, the mindsets, and the principles you want to see thriving within your own life. SO please don't beat yourself up, if by the end of the month, you've opted out of a few fitness, mental or personal challenges.

Just try again.

Life is a process and progress is what we're aiming for, not perfection.

With this first month of the year, don't try to do too much too fast. Scale back and focus-in on 1-2 goals instead of on all eleventy-seventy of them (I'm talking to myself as well). For example, if for the year you want to become healthy. Set a goal of working out at least 1-2 times a week and then over time build up to 4-5 times a week. If you're working on a book idea, set aside maybe 20 minutes once or twice a week to write that story out a little bit more each time.

Rome wasn't built in one day. Trying to do too much will overwhelm you so please grace yourself and pace yourself this year.