Lessons | Feeds & Lies
When it comes to social media, I’ve noticed people tend to forget that everything is a perfectly imperfect set of curated images and words to get you to feel a certain way. Whether the feeling be good, bad, inspired or discouraged is all up to the sender. We assume we know these people that post, we believe that what we see is genuine but that’s not always the case. From social media we see a small percentage of someone’s life and usually only the “good” that they choose to show. So how can we trust our judgements when it comes to someone we connect with online? Discernment from the Holy Spirit.
I’ve recently decided to fully pay attention to what’s been going on in the Christian community and I’m straight up appalled. We have mean girls masking as your “online bff” hosting events where they truly only care for profits. We have supposed believers running online businesses that say they’ll help you start up an online company, app or any other venture and then rob you blind of at least 1,000 to 5,000 dollars. We have “self-help” gurus selling single and married women books, courses, day events, conferences and seminars on how to find “the (ever so elusive) one,” or “how to make your marriage better with these tips I stole from pinterest and various other social media accounts.” And please don’t get me started on those who sell their lifestyle to mass audiences in a “you can have this too… just buy all these brand items I use, drive 40 hours to Alaska, do a back-flip and sell me your house or your first child” kind of way.
When did we get so consumed with profit that we decided it was more than okay to muddy the name of Jesus to further our own agenda? When did it become okay to value money over people? When did it become okay to call people we know nothing about a demon just because they spoke the truth about us?
Heart-checks, motive-checks, soul-checks are needed daily to make sure we’re in alignment with what God has called us to do. Yes, I know it can be hard being told about yourself but there is a lesson in every situation, every word and in every person we come across.
Learn the lesson & keep it pushing.
I’m just praying that this next season of Christian leaders will come correct, humble & honest because black twitter will not let you sleep lol and most importantly honoring God is and should be our number 1 priority always. Yes, we’re not perfect and no, none of us is Jesus but you already will be held accountable for every word you speak here on earth and for every action you took towards others. Let the account read less pride and more humility.
Peace x Blessings