With God | Whatcha Living From?
You can’t live for love, you can only live from love.
I’m talking about living not for approval but living from the fact that God sent his only child,
his son to die for YOU. Because of the simple fact that he loves you. He chose you to love.
There are billions of people on this earth, but he has all the time in the world for you.
He has all the love for you. He has all the peace for you. He has all the strength for you.
He is yours and you are His. Not in a superficial possessive out-of-control “ride-or-die”
situation-ship type of way but in a pure, intentional and freeing way.
The love that God has for you sets you free from questioning his intentions.
God’s love for you sets you free to do life in the way that only you can live it.
God’s love is pure like joy on a toddler’s face.
It’s authentic and it’s all for you.
But you have to be willing to accept it. Accept that despite your flaws, you are loved.
Despite what so-and-so did or didn’t do, you are enough. Once you change your mindset,
once you change your words, you will change your life.
You will live from love.